Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Links and notes
Parts of the model I used uploaded to Google warehouse here.
Drop.io link of the final Crysis environment here.
To use lifts, use buttons "j" and "k".
In the Crysis environment, I have used additional pine trees from Crymod, you will need to install it in order to see pine trees in the environment.
Draft environment

Early on I explored the look of the buildings in different environments (different weather, different time of day). I especially enjoyed the look of it in the night with the lights on, because that highlights the infrastracture and gives it more of an urbanistic and manmade feel, contrasting to the natural environment of the Hollental valley.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Mash-up article - POWER
As the emboldened leader of Europe's most populous nation and most powerful economy, she has the ability to make her personality and priorities count on a global stage. But what, exactly, does she want to do with her power? She became a prolific writer, a peacemaker, a passionate advocate, not just for blind and disabled people, but for equal rights. Her rise to prominence went all but unnoticed, except by the rivals she deftly derailed along the way. She was constantly pushing for more and better programs, products and technologies for the disabled. She also visited 35 countries, helping to open schools and revolutionize services for the blind. Among the gifts presented to her during her travels is a Zulu shield with an accompanying letter from the tribe that says the shield "is an equipment of a great warrior and that is how we think of you." She has supported an internet campaign to save the Australian banker caught on live television looking at racy photographs of her on his computer. “I am told there is a petition to save his job and of course I would sign it," she told local media. "You could certainly say that I've never underestimated myself," she says with a smile that in another context could only be described as kittenish. "There's nothing wrong with being ambitious."
Helen Keller article - "NYC exhibit tells the fuller story of Helen Keller" http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700025566/NYC-exhibit-tells-the-fuller-story-of-Helen-Keller.html?pg=1
Miranda Kerr article - "Model Miranda Kerr backs internet campaign to save Australian TV banker from sack" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/7157868/Model-Miranda-Kerr-backs-internet-campaign-to-save-Australian-TV-banker-from-sack.html
Angela Merkel article - "Angela Merkel's Moment" http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1950682,00.html
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Considering Architecture

Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Crysis Screenshots
Approaching the landform and building from the sea.
Bird's eye view - tall tower is Hawkin's lab, box on the platform is Darwin's lab. Also seen - the ramps and the meeting space.
It's clear that all the geometry evolved from just one basic shape - the cube - and through the use of extrusion and negative spaces, a complex shape was created.
Meeting Space at night
Simple geometrical shapes combine together and evolve to suit into the environment - recall electroliquid quote.
Passage from the meeting space to the bay.
I put a number of lights in the water to create an Aurora-looking effect. That echoes the concept of electroliquid aggregation, fusing different things to make them work together and create something entirely different.
Google Warehouse link

Final version of 9 combined rectangular prisms, based on the third set of combined axonometric sketches.